Beauty, Balance, & Breath

Admarys’ Story

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Admarys’ Story

Cosmetic and Neuromuscular Dentistry in Burke, VA

Admarys' Smile Story - Burke, VA Smile Makeover - Dr. Marzban

Growing up, I never felt satisfied with my smile. I’d been through braces twice, but some of my teeth were too big, others too small, and I always had triangle spaces between my teeth. I never felt confident smiling, even though there was nothing technically “wrong” with my smile. When I came to work for Dr. Marzban, I noticed the amazing smile transformations she created, and I saw what was possible for my own smile. I learned that with an experienced cosmetic dentist, anything is possible.

Dr. Marzban recommended porcelain veneers to enhance the shape, size, and color of my smile. She helped me choose the right color-I didn’t want my smile to look unnaturally white. The entire process was so simple and easy. Because the veneers are so thin, she removed very little tooth structure. The procedure was so comfortable and conservative, that I’m now considering having two more teeth veneered, just so I don’t have to whiten them!

Everybody compliments my teeth now, because I’m smiling all the time. I was so proud of Dr. Marzban’s work that I entered the Mac Veneers model search contest, and I won! They gave me an all-expenses-paid trip to San Francisco and took professional photographs for their website and calendar. Pictures of my smile have been published world-wide. Every smile has a story, and mine changed my life forever-thanks to Dr. Marzban.

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We all want a beautiful smile that expresses our emotions and personality.


People with TMJ can spend years seeing many doctors, and specialists.


An undeveloped airway in your mouth often leads to obstructed sleep apnea.

My Book

Dr. Marzban’s book describes how to identify incorrect facial and jaw development.

Do you wonder why nearly every child needs orthodontics? Why are people mouth breathing and developing mouth breather faces?

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